Journal Entries

Journal Entry #8

We are approaching the end of the semester. This means that the biggest assignment is almost due. This assignment is the Engineering Proposal. For my proposal I have decided to continue speaking about the MTA.

While working on my previous projects on the different subtopic of the NYC subway I have learned that there’s a lot going on with the subway and the NYC transit system. I have come to find out that some of these issues date back to 1970’s. One example of this is the budget cuts that have been a common practice between mayor’s and governor’s of New York.

For my proposal, I decided that I wanted to propose sort of a reform to change the MTA system. Around the world we see subway systems that are quite successful. What I will try to do in this proposal is investigate the issues that the MTA is currently facing and bring a solution from other subway systems.

There’s currently a plan that was established by the MTA officials after Governor Cuomo declared the subways in a state of emergency. I will also look at that plan and compared it to the ideas that I would be brining in from other subway systems and compare them to see which one could potentially be more effective for the situation of the NYC Subways.