Journal Entries

Journal Entry #3

Recently, I submitted my final draft for my first assignment which was the technical description. When we did peer review I actually got positive feedback from my peers. I was happy about that, but this was mostly because I was a bit insecure about the draft.

For the final draft, I did changed a few things to my paper as well as added a few more details. Initially, I had not written a conclusion, but I then decided that I wanted to add a conclusion. I am usually doubtful about my writing as English is not my first language. I actually felt kind of confident with the final draft for this project.

I enjoyed this assignment because it was based on something I was somewhat knowledgeable on. Before the semester started, I was looking into buying a new monitor to build a computer. I didn’t end up buying the monitor, but it made me feel good that I learned about computer monitors and how they work.

My technical description was suppose to be informative and I think it was. I think I complete it the goal of creating a technical paper and its purpose would be to help people who didn’t know much about things like monitors.