
Engineering Proposal

NYC SUBWAY Abstract Throughout the years the MTA subways has suffered from delays, budget cuts, aging signals, and precarious maintenance of the stations and cars. Using different research methods, there will be a proposed strategy to approach the problems the NYC Subways are facing.                                                Summary On October 27, 1904, the first New York […]

Journal Entries

Journal Entry #11

This is probably the last journal entry I will be making since the semester has ended. I am happy I took this class. I honestly can say I have leant and grown as a writer. This class was pretty interesting because it was not the basic English writing courses that everyone takes. I find it […]

Journal Entries

Journal Entry #10

It is kind of nostalgic that this semester is ending. I have been working on my digital portfolio for some time now and I am finally happy with how it looks. I found that working on the digital portfolio was fun. In the past, I had built a few websites using WordPress. Thus, I was […]



Going into the Fall 2020 semester I was a scared. I started the semester with a full course load of six classes; I did not know what to expect. The reason why I decided to take ENGL 21007 this semester was because I actually enjoy writing and reading, thus I tend to find English courses […]

Journal Entries

Journal Entry #9

While finishing my Engineering proposal I felt relieved. I had been really stressed with finals thus I struggles doing this assignment. I had collected all the sites and resources that I needed. After I finished gathered all my thought together and I narrowed down the resources I finally started writing. Once I started writing it […]

Journal Entries

Journal Entry #8

We are approaching the end of the semester. This means that the biggest assignment is almost due. This assignment is the Engineering Proposal. For my proposal I have decided to continue speaking about the MTA. While working on my previous projects on the different subtopic of the NYC subway I have learned that there’s a […]


Lab Report

                        Analyzing the NYC Subway Delays and Its Solutions Abstract The New York City Subway is one of the busiest subways around the world. This subway system contains 36 rail lines and 472 stations, which were mostly built in the 1940’s. With such a huge transit system there comes big responsibilities and problems. One of […]



Abstract The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is suffering from a financial crisis. This financial crisis has worsen with the ongoing pandemic. This financial crisis has affected the quality of services the MTA is offering. To: New Yorker’s From: Jensy Maldonado, Anton Camaj, Luis Ramirez  Subject: New York City Transit System ENGL 21007 The purpose of this […]


Analysis of an Article

Elon Musk’s Neuralink is neuroscience theater


Technical Description

Abstract: Description of the three biggest type of technology panels. These are IPS, TN, VA. A breakdown of each one is given then they are compared in a number of factors. Peer Review Comments for First Draft What is the best technology panel? Introduction: what is the purpose of this paper? As the technology has […]